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Primary Sources:


Brown, Coalter, Tucker Papers (I). Special Collections Research Center, Swem Library, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA.


Brown, John Thompson. “The Speech of John Thompson Brown: in the House of Delegates of Virginia, on the Abolition of Slavery, Delivered

Wednesday, January 18, 1832.” Richmond: Thomas W. White, Printer, 1832. Boston Public Library Rare Books Department,. Anti-Slavery Collection. Accessed on November 1, 2018.


“Death of a Distinguished Man,” Richmond Enquirer, November 26, 1836, 3.


“Pension Application of Henry Brown.” Southern Campaign American Revolution Pension Statements & Rosters. Accessed on November 8 2018.


“Population Schedules of the Third Census of the United States, 1810, Virginia.” Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center. Accessed on

November 12, 2018.


“Population Schedules of the Fourth Census of the United States, 1820, Virginia.” Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center. Accessed on

November 12, 2018.


“Population Schedules of the Fifth Census of the United States, 1830, Virginia.” Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center. Accessed on

November 12, 2018.


“Population Schedules of the Sixth Census of the United States, 1840, Virginia.” Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center. Accessed on

November 12, 2018.


 “Society,” The Richmond Times Dispatch, July 26, 1903, 6.



Secondary Sources:


Daniel, Harrison. Bedford County, Virginia, 1840-1860: the History of An Upper Piedmont County in the Late Antebellum Era. Bedford, VA: The

Print Shop, 1985.


Eakley, Barbara Brown. The Browns of Bedford County, Virginia, 1748-1840: A Collection of Brown Family Surname Records Extracted from

Primary and Secondary Sources. Bowie, MD: Heritage Books, Inc., 1998.


Fox-Genovese, Elizabeth. "Antebellum Southern Households: A New Perspective on a Familiar Question." Fernand Braudel Center Review 7, no.

2 (1983): 215-253.


“Ivy Cliff: Historic Structures Investigation Report,” Thomas Jefferson’s Poplar Forest Restoration Field School, 2013.


McFarland, Ron. Edward Steptoe and the Indian Wars: Life on the Frontier 1815-1865. Jefferson, NC: McFarland &Company, Inc., Publishers,



Morgan, Lynda J. Emancipation in Virginia’s Tobacco Belt, 1850-1870. Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press, 1992.


Morgan, Orren Frederic. A History of Rockbridge County, Virginia. Staunton, VA: The McClure Company, Inc., 1920.


Morgan, Philip D. and Michael L. Nicholls. "Slaves in Piedmont Virginia, 1720-1790." The William and Mary Quarterly 46, no. 2 (1989): 212-51.


Read, Daisy I. New London Today and Yesterday. Lynchburg, VA: Warwick House Publishers, 1950.


Sandford, Douglas A., Elizabeth Fedowitz, Arianna Drumond, and Randy Lichtenberger. “Ivy Cliff Slave Quarter.” Virginia Slave Housing: An Architectural, Archaeological, and Documentary Archive. Accessed November 1, 2018.


Siddons, James. The Spirit of New London Academy. Bowie, MD: Heritage Books, 1994.





Blackburn, Bess. Ivy Cliff, 2018, Forest, Virginia.


All other images copyright free/ Public Domain or author’s

Created in partial fulfillment of HIUS 390: History of Virginia, Liberty University, 2018

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